Fast, affordable Internet access for all.
Locally-controlled, publicly-owned broadband networks are popping up all across the United States.
They tend to offer the fastest speeds and the most affordable options, compared to what the national incumbent providers are selling. While that's a major reason why over 600 communities have created local Internet choice by building their own networks, what really galvanizes local voters along this path is the myriad of other socio-economic benefits that flow from community-wide access to high-speed Internet connectivity.
How to Find Out if You Have a Municipal Broadband Network Where You Live:
Check out our Community Net Map here.
Our website is a storehouse of information that catalogues, covers, and analyzes just about every municipal network in the nation -- including stories on communities where local officials are seriously considering proposals, or perhaps, are in the pre-construction phase.
Of course, you can call your city or town hall to ask. Another good place to start is by typing your city or town's name into our search bar to see if we have reported on any developments where you live. You can also use our geo-tagging system.
If you do live in a city or town that offers municipal broadband service, you're only a few clicks of the mouse -- and maybe a phone call or two away from being able to sign up.
No Options in Your Area:
If you do not live within the service territory of a municipal network, that means you are currently stuck with whatever service you may (or may not) be able to get at your particular household. Still, you've come to the right place to find out if there's a municipal broadband proposal in the works.
*Disclaimer: Don't be surprised if do not find a story on our website about your community. Municipal broadband is flourishing but far from ubiquitous. Also, it's may be that your hometown is weighing a proposal and we missed it.
Yes, we track municipal broadband developments closely but our website is not exhaustive. If you happen to come across a municipal network (or a proposal to build one), but do not find any mention of it on our website, please email us at [email protected] to let us know what we have missed.
It may very well be that you live in a place where municipal broadband is not available. Disappointing? Yes. But, that doesn't have to be the last word on the matter. Perhaps you can be that local champion who brings the idea to the fore in your community. We invite you to check out our Start a Community Network and Educate Your Local Community pages, if only to entertain the idea and see where the journey leads.
The View From Here:
The political and economic environment has never been better for community broadband initiatives -- unless you happen to live in the one of the 17 states that either outright ban municipal broadband or erect legal barriers that make it difficult to establish locally-controlled, publicly-owned networks. If your state happens to have these anti-competitive pre-emption laws on the books, it wouldn't be a bad idea to contact your state legislators and ask them why the state is protecting monopoly providers from competition?
The good news: with funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) (as well as a number of other federal programs), the federal government is making a once-in-a-generation investment to expand access to high-speed Internet service all across the country. More specifically, we are talking about hundreds of millions of dollars for each state to build new networks through a competitive grant process.
Will it be enough to ensure everyone (who wants it) has access to fast, reliable, and affordable Internet connectivity? With continued donor support, the Community Broadband Networks team will be here to document, discuss, and dissect the ongoing broadband-ification of America.